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[Event Report] The 51st Breakfast Meeting – New Year Speech by Dr Kiyoshi Kurokawa

[Event Report] The 51st Breakfast Meeting – New Year Speech by Dr Kiyoshi Kurokawa
51st HGPI Breakfast Meeting: New Vision for 2015 Featuring Kiyoshi Kurokawa, Chairman of Health and Global Policy Institute

Date: January 21, 2015
Venue: Kobeya Sylphide, GranAge Marunouchi

HGPI’s first Breakfast Meeting of 2015 featured Dr. Kiyoshi Kurokawa, HGPI Chairman, who discussed his “New Vision for 2015.”

The event, which was fully booked within two hours after registration opened, featured lively interactions with the audience and an open Q&A session. After the event attendees shared their comments, which were
overwhelmingly positive and included statements including, “the meeting was stimulating,” and “Dr. Kurokawa’s speech broadened my view.”

Discussion Summary

Use of Technology and Big Data to Address Dementia

Dementia is a significant issue on a global
scale. And the use of digital technology and big data is one effective way to address dementia. For example, wearable health management devices can encourage
people to exercise by displaying steps walked and calories burned calories. In addition to the health benefits that result from exercise, data from these devices can be used to test various theories leading to new discoveries,
including useful information about the behaviors that most effectively prevent dementia. Robots that can work 24 hours per day can reduce nursing care workload. Therefore, digital technology has the greatest potential to change lives in the future.

Low birthrate Related to Working Style

Japan’s low birthrate is significantly related to working style of women. Women must be allowed flexibility in the
workplace that supports life events, such as marriage and having children. Women should also be supported to work even after becoming mothers. In the US, nurses have flexible working hours that allow them to coordinate their work schedules based on their needs as long as they work the required 40 hours per week. Japan can learn from this case in US.

Health Care Sustainability: New systems to address shortage of doctors

As an example, there are many large
hospitals in the Ochanomizu area of Tokyo. To make systems like this more sustainable, I suggest several approaches. First of all, one of the larger hospitals can be used as a full-time emergency hospital utilizing human
resources from other hospitals nearby as needed. Secondly, private practitioners should be allowed to register at main hospitals so they may use hospital facilities leading to economies of scale. And doctors of various specialties working together can lead to more efficient diagnoses and can support doctors in fine-tuning their skills.

Think about what we can do, do what we can

There are many other health issues that must be addressed. It can be said that Japanese people rely on the government for answers, new policies, etc. However, with today’s digital technology, individuals can easily dispatch information on their own. It is important for
each person about what they can do to improve the current situation, to solve the problems we face, and to take action.

Registration deadline: 2015-01-19

Exhibition date:2015-01-21

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